Clinical supervision
Good supervision is an integral element in our role as therapists, providing a secure environment for us to delve into, understand, and enhance our skills. I am a firm believer in cultivating a supervisory relationship that mirrors the qualities of those we have with our clients, as this fosters an environment where supervisees can be open and address difficult topics comfortably. By allowing this vulnerability, supervisees gain a valuable opportunity to self-reflect and flourish within a nurturing, supportive, and occasionally demanding space. This setting helps them build confidence in their capabilities as practitioners.
I am trained in Hawkins and Shohet’s ‘Seven-eyed Model of Supervision’ and use it as the backbone of my approach. This model provides a solid framework within which we can collaborate, offering ample room for customisation to suit your needs. By incorporating creative techniques into our sessions, we can explore alternative perspectives when necessary. Ultimately, the supervisory process is carefully tailored to ensure it aligns with your preferences and benefits you optimally.